Thirty - First Week of Beautiful Ordinary Time
Saint Day Healing Moment
Saint Martin de Porres
True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.
~ C.S. Lewis.
St. Martin de Porres, is a saint whom I previously knew nothing about. I learned that Martin was born in the 16th century in Peru, to parents of different races. He was considered a Mulatto, the lowest in social ranking. Although he wished to enter the nearby Dominican community in Lima as a donado ( a volunteer servant performing menial tasks in the monastery ), he would not be allowed to take vows because of his mixed race. It’s difficult to believe that even religious communities practiced racial discrimination. But this did not detour Martin and he spent hours in prayer daily, performing his duties humbly as a servant boy.
Martin lived an austere life and practiced the trades of barbering and healing both inside the community and outside. His patience, charity, humility and charity were noticed as he ministered to everyone from nobles to slaves, even caring for stray animals too. He was to become known as the patron saint of those seeking racial harmony and health care givers time.
How astounding, that today we remember a poor boy, born biracial, in 16th century Peru, uneducated and a social outcast, whose life teaches us the value and beauty of humility and charity towards all. It was his faith and humble charity that won the heart of others. True happiness and peace come when we humbly surrender to God’s Will.
~ debra.
Romans 13:8-10 • Psalms 112:1-2, 4-5, 9 • Luke 14:25-33
#canigetanamen #catholicbeauty #StMartindePorres